11 Sept. 2023, Pokhara (Onlilne Bahas):
The Everest Network successfully completed its residential workshop "Tracking our Progress: Visioning the Future" in Pokhara at Hotel Rudrakshya with 17 participants. NGOs from various districts working in the field of climate change took part in the workshop.
Facilitator Mr. Ram Chandra Paudel of Bikalpa Nepal introduced and welcomed all the member organizations and participants. Mr. Poudel shared about the existence of EVEREST NETWORK. Ms. Anisha Bhattarai presented a report based on the review of the EN activities, online sessions, news feed and post. Following that, Mr. Poudel conducted the learning and sharing session which was based on 7 online zoom sessions taught by different experts. He asked about a favorable time to join the online sessions on climate change. Most of the participants highlighted that
the session needs to be need based for the member organizations. By need base it is meant that if one of the member organizations works in the children, then the session that is related to children and climate will be more effective.
In addition, almost six member organizations shared their success and failure stories.The shared stories will be published in the EVEREST NETWORK website page. Ms. Bhattarai updated details of the financial expenses.
At the end of the workshop, all member organizations collaboratively worked how to work as a team for next future steps. The workshop ended with thanks giving all member organizations for their participation in making the workshop effective, energetic and fruitful. On behalf of ICA Nepal, Ms. Anita Gurung shared about the importance of the workshop for the successful implementation of the EN plan and activities.